HTML is short for “HyperText Markup Language,” which is a descriptive language used to build web pages. HTML is a basic language in web development that allows the content of pages to be structured and arranged.
HTML uses tags to describe different elements within a page such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, tables, forms, and more. These tags give instructions to the browser on how to display content.
For example, <h1> means a priority heading, <p> means a paragraph, <a> means a link, and so on. These tags are used within a specific structure that begins with the <html> tag and contains the <head> and <body> in which the basic elements of the content reside.
As the web evolved, HTML was updated to include the modern version HTML5 which added a lot of elements and improvements to support features such as multimedia and interactivity.
In short, HTML is a language that helps organize and arrange content on the web and allows the browser to display it appropriately.