Google algorithms are a set of algorithms and techniques that Google uses to deliver search results and improve the user experience on its search engine. They include a variety of factors that affect the ranking of web pages in search results.
-Google’s algorithms depend on a variety of factors, including:
-PageRank algorithm:
PageRank is one of the first algorithms used by Google, and it estimates the quality and relative importance of a web page through the number of links to it from other pages, in addition to the quality and importance of these other pages.
-RankBrain Algorithm:
RankBrain relies on artificial intelligence to understand search queries and improve search results more accurately, as it is automatically learned to understand queries better and provide relevant results.
-BERT Algorithm:
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) relies on artificial intelligence to understand context and the correct order of words in search query sentences, which helps improve the accuracy of results.
-Other ranking algorithms:
In addition, there is another set of algorithms that Google uses to improve the ranking of search results, such as the Penguin algorithm, the Hummingbird algorithm, the Mobilegeddon algorithm, and others.
Google algorithms are regularly updated and modified to improve the quality of search results and provide a better user experience for users around the world.